Member Login
Membership Categories
- The Society shall consist of Full Members, Graduate Members and Student Members.
- The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal to himself and shall not be transferable or transmissible by his own act or by operation of law.
- Only a Full Member shall be entitled to the exclusive use after his name of the designation 'R S O'.
- Subject to such regulations and on payment of such fees as the Council may from time to time prescribe, the Council may issue to any member a certificate which shall remain the property of and shall on demand be returned to the Society.
- To be qualified, for application for Full Member, an applicant shall be registered with Labour Department as a Safety Officer under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations.
- To be qualified, for application for Graduate Member, an application shall be a holder of recognized certificate, diploma, higher diploma, degree or post-graduate diploma in occupational safety and health, or equivalent under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations.
- To be qualified, for application for Student Member, an application shall be interested in safety officer profession in Hong Kong.
- The Executive Council shall have the absolute power in deciding whether or not membership shall be granted to an applicant notwithstanding that the applicant has met all the requirements. Applicant whose application has been turned down by the Executive Council can appeal to the AGM by informing the Membership Committee.
- If it is in the opinion of the Executive Council that the continuation of membership of any members will result in detriment to the reputation or general interest of the Society, the executive Council shall order to cancel or discontinue the membership of the member for the period of time the Executive Council shall think fit. The affected member shall be informed in writing and he can appeal to the AGM.
Fees & renewals
- Entrance fee for a Full Member is HK$500.00.
- Entrance fee for a Graduate Member is HK$100.00.
- Entrance fee for a Student Member is HK$100.00.
- Registered students of recognized certificate, diploma, higher diploma, degree or post-graduate diploma in occupational safety and health at the local universities and training authority will receive free student membership. Free student membership will run till the end of the calendar year of the date of application.
- Entrance fee is not applied for upgrading of membership. New entrance fee for the grade shall be paid.
- Annual Subscription for a Full member is HK$300.
- Annual Subscription for a graduate member is HK$100.
- Annual Subscription for a student member is HK$100.
- No annual subscription is required for free student membership.
- Annual Subscription of higher grade of membership is applied for upgrading of membership.
- The Annual General Meeting shall have power to alter any fees subscriptions and contributions, and to impose additional levies for the purpose of providing further benefits for members.
- The annual subscriptions shall be due on the 1st day of January in each year for the year commencing on that day.
- Any member submitted to the Society before the 1st day of July in any year shall pay the annual subscription for that calendar year, and those submitted on or after 1st day of July in any year shall for that calendar year pay half such annual subscription.
- Any member whose annual subscription remains unpaid after the 31st day of March shall not be entitled, before he has paid his subscription in full, to exercise or benefit from any of the rights and privileges of membership.
- Any member whose annual subscription remains unpaid after the 30th June, in any year may by resolution of the Council be excluded from the Society, and he shall thereupon cease to be a member and his name shall be removed from the Register, but such removal shall not relieve him from his liability for the payment of the arrears of subscriptions due from him calculated up to the 31st day of December in the year of his exclusion.
- Any member may retire from the Society by sending his resignation in writing to the Secretary, after payment of all the subscription due from his, including that for the current year.
- The Council may readmit to membership any person whose membership has terminated from any cause provided that he satisfies the Council that he is worthy of readmission and pays such amounts in respect of entrance fee and arrears of subscriptions as the Council may determine.
- In the event of the Council deciding to refuse readmission in any particular case, they may do so without assigning any reason.
- The membership of Student member and Graduate member will be lapsed in five years for each grade. Their membership status will be suspended.
Payment Method
- Payment can be made either by cheque payable to SOCIETY OF REGISTERED SAFETY OFFICERS or by direct debit to our bank account, Hong Kong Bank # 004-062-378500-001
moreWhat's News
moreEvent and Activities
- 安全及健康交流活動 - 參觀澳門勞工事務局及建築工地
- Guided OSH Visit - VCommit Safety Training Centre in Third Runway of HKIA on 14 October 2023, Saturd
- The Society has organized the Annual Safety Seminar cum Anniversary Dinner on 9 June 2023
- Notice of 30th Annual General Meeting - online with Zoom on 18 June 2021 (Friday) at 7:30pm
- SRSO Webinar on "Occupational Safety of Drivers in Hong Kong" on 11 March 2021 (Thursday)
- (Presentation notes Uploaded) SRSO Annual Safety Seminar 2019 and 28th Anniversary Dinner