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May 2017
  • 誠邀參加「第十六屆香港職業安全健康大獎」



    Dear members,


    The Society has received the information of captioned subject from OSHC.  The detail for the above subject is appended herebelow for your information please.

  • Invitation to XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017 and Post-congress technical visit



    Dear Members,


    The Federation has received an invitation from OSHC regarding the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017 from 3 – 6 September 2017 and the Post-congress technical visits on Construction Safety on 7 – 8 September 2017 in Singapore. The theme of the upcoming Congress is “A Global Vision of Prevention”.  Details could be obtained from the Congress website: www.safety2017singapore.com.


    If you are interested in attending of the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017, a discounted registration fee of SDG600 is offered if registration is through OSHC.  Please send the following data to OSHC via email worldcongress2017@oshc.org.hk :


    Name in Chinese as HKID card:

    Name in English as HKID card:


    Email address:

    Mobile number:


    For the Post-congress technical visits on Construction Safety, the program of the visits are as follows:


    7 September 2017

    a.m. A Prefabricated Pre-finished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) site by BBR

    p.m. LTA Highway Maintenance Safety


    8 September 2017

    a.m. Visit to MOM on Design for Safety

    p.m. Visit to BCA Construction Productivity Gallery and Workplace Safety & Health Learning Gallery.


    The Costs for the technical visit will be SDG100 for one-day program and SDG180 for full two-day program (including travel insurance, lunch and coach transportation).  Enrolment for this technical visit will be 45 persons and on a first-come-first-served basis.  If you are interested in joining the technical visit, please indicate in the same registration to OSHC via email worldcongress2017@oshc.org.hk.


    The Deadline for registration is 31 July 2017.


    For enquiries on the registration and technical visit, please contact Ms Kathy Kwok, Publicity Officer of OSHC on 2116 5675 or worldcongress2017@oshc.org.hk.

  • SRSO Annual Safety Seminar , AGM cum Dinner


    (Seminar Presentation Materials Uploaded)

    Dear Members,


    Please be informed that the 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Friday, 23 June 2017 at the Grand Ballroom II-III, L6, Royal Plaza Hotel, 193, Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon.   And the details are as follows:


    Date:  23 June 2017 (Friday)


    Time:  2:00 pm 6:00 pm  Annual Safety Seminar

                6:15 pm – 7:15 pm - Cocktail Reception

                6:35 pm 7:00 pm - Annual General Meeting

                7:30 pm  - 10:00 pm Dinner


    Venue: Grand Ballroom II-III, L6, Royal Plaza Hotel, Kowloon



    Attached please find the agenda of AGM and Proxy Form for your reference.  If you can’t attend the AGM, please complete & return the proxy form to us for record.  Thank you.





    Johnny Shing

  • SRSO - 2017 Annual Seminar and 26the Anniversary Dinner



    Dear member,


    The Society has organized the Annual Seminar cum Annul Dinner on 23 June 2017 (Friday) at the Royal Plaza Hotel.   And the details are as follows:


    Date:  23 June 2017 (Friday)


    Time:  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm (tentative) – Afternoon Seminar

                6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Cocktail Reception

                7:30 pm  - 10:00 pm Dinner


    Venue: Grand Ballrooms, L6, Royal Plaza Hotel, Kowloon


      * Attendance certificate will be issued to all participants upon completion of the seminar. 



    Registration and Payment

    For enrolment, please reserve your seats by complete the attached reply slip via email: srso@srso.org.hk or fax it back to the Society (Fax No.:2590 6344) by 19 June 2017.  Please pay the Society by crossed cheque made payable to "Society of Registered Safety Officers". .


    The  programme of Afternoon Seminar and reply forms are attached for your reference. 


    For enquiry, please contact Mr. Edmund FUNG at 9602 2422 or Mr Willie TAM at 9739 3719.


    Look forward to seeing you on that day.




    Johnny Shing

  • A Newly Released Work Safety Alert 最新公報的「職安警示」



    Dear Members,


    The Society has received a New Work Safety Alert from Labour Department for your information.

  • 職安局 - 中小型企業安全帽連Y型帽帶資助計劃



    Dear members,


    The Society has received the information of captioned subject from OSHC for your reference.








    歡迎 貴公司申請及協助推廣是次資助計劃,有勞閣下將隨函的計劃申請表轉發予 貴公司的承包商/分判商傳閱,並鼓勵申請資助購買符合安全標準的安全帽連Y型帽帶。申請表格亦可於職安局網址下載:http://www.oshc.org.hk/oshc_data/files/PorfessionalServices/SMESponsorshipSchemes/SME-helmet-chinstrap.pdf


    如有查詢,請致電3106 4413或電郵至 sme@oshc.org.hk 與劉小姐聯絡。

