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Jul 2015
  • 石油氣車輛維修及氣體設備工作安全講座(3.8.2015)‏
    Dear members,
    The Society has received the information from OSHC regarding the above subject. For details, please refer to the attachment.
Jun 2015
  • Job Ad.: Manager - Safety & Health (M15583)‏



    The Society has received the information of above job from the MTR.

    For details; please refer to the attached information.


    Interested members, please contact the company directly.

  • Two Newly Released Work Safety Alerts 最新公報的兩份「職安警示」‏



    Dear members,

    The Society has received two new Work Safety Alerts from Labour Department for your information.

  • CSW 2015 – Promotion of Construction Safety App & Mega Posters‏



    Dear member,


    The Society has received the information regarding above subject from DB for your reference.


    CSW 2015 – Promotion of Construction Safety App & Mega Posters 

    Dear Representatives of Supporting Organizations, 

    Thank you for your support to the Construction Safety Week (CSW) 2015.  Notwithstanding its successful conclusion, I trust you would agree with us that the momentum of CSW 2015 should be sustained so as to uphold the alertness of our practitioners. 

    Please be reminded that we have rolled out the initiatives of 建造業安全錦囊」Construction Safety App and mega posters during the Construction Safety Week (CSW) 2015. 

    To further promote them within the construction industry, I should be grateful if you could forward the attached leaflet consolidating the mega posters of healthy life style for printing out (in A3 size preferably) and posting within your offices/sites so that your staff could share the healthy life style messages and download the Construction Safety App using the QR codes embedded in.  Please also forward it to your business partners and ask them to follow suit as well.

    Thank you for your support to the CSW 2015 once again. 

    Secretariat of CSW 2015 
    Tel: 3509 8305 

  • 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Annual Dinner


    Dear Members,

    Please be informed that the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Annual Dinner will be held on Friday, 3 July 2015 at the Grand Ballroom, Level 6, Royal Plaza Hotel, 193, Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon.   And the details are as follows:

    Date:  3 July 2015 (Friday)

    Time:  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm  – Afternoon Symposium

                6:15 pm – 7:15 pm - Cocktail Reception

                6:45 pm – 7:00 pm - Annual General Meeting

                7:30 pm  - 10:00 pm Dinner

    Venue: Grand Ballroom, 6/F, Royal Plaza Hotel, Kowloon

    Attached are the agenda of AGM and Proxy Form for your reference.  If you can’t attend the AGM, please complete &  return the proxy form to us for reference.


    Johnny Shing

    President, SRSO

  • Annual Safety Seminar, AGM cum Annual Dinner 2015



    Dear member,


    The Society  has organized the Annual Seminar cum Annul Dinner on 3 July 2015 (Friday) at the Royal Plaza Hotel.   And the details are as follows:


    Date:  3 July 2015 (Friday)

    Time:  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm (tentative) – Afternoon Symposium

                6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Cocktail Reception

                7:30 pm  - 10:00 pm Dinner

    Venue: Grand Ballroom, 6/F, Royal Plaza Hotel, Kowloon


              * Attendance certificate will be issued to all participants upon completion of the seminar. 


    Registration and Payment

    For enrolment, please reserve your seats by complete the attached reply slip via email: srso@srso.org.hk or fax it back to the Society (Fax No.:2590 6344) by 15 June 2015.  Please pay the Society by crossed cheque made payable to "Society of Registered Safety Officers". .


    The  programme of Afternoon Seminar and reply forms are attached for your reference. 


    For enquiry, please contact Mr. Freddy LEUNG at 9127 6984 or Ms Agnes CHOW at 9496 5088.


    Look forward to seeing you on that day.




    Johnny Shing

    President, SRSO