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May 2014
  • Construction Safety Week 2014 - Newly activities‏



    Dear Members,


    The Society has received the newly rolled out activities from the CSW Secretariat as follows.


    (a)        Healthy Smileys

    Enrolment and uploading the photo, please refer to the following web-link:



    (b)        Zero Accident Ambassador Award 2014

    Please refer to the following web-link for Nomination:


    For more information of CSW 2014, please visit the CSW 2014 website through the following link:


  • Stepping up Measures to Enhance Construction Safety‏



    Dear Members,


    The Society has received a letter from the Labour Department regarding the above subject.  For details, please refer to the attached file.

  • CSW 2014 – Site Visit (28 May 2014)‏



    Dear Members,


    The Society has received the following email from the Federation (HKFOSHA) regarding the “CSW 2014 - Site Visit” to be held on 28 May 2014 (Wed). 


    Online enrolment is available at Constructing Safety Week Website as follows, please enrolment to the CSW Secretariat directly.


    The deadline for enrolment would be 16 May 2014 (Friday).

    Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Anson CHU at 3509 8310, or Ms Sandy CHAN at 3509 7322. 

  • Construction Safety Week 2014 – Conference 建造業安全周2014 – 研討會‏



    Dear members,


    The Society has received a conference information from Construction Industry Council regarding the Construction Safety Week 2014 to be held on May 26 to 29, 2014.  Details can be found in the attachment.


    For registration, please complete the registration form via the following web-link on or before 14 May 2014 (Wednesday):




    Please be reminded that the Registration will be processed on a "first-come-first-served" basis.


    For enquiry, please contact Ms. Kennis YAN of the Construction Industry Council at 2100 9089 or email to csw2014-02@hkcic.org directly.

Apr 2014
  • 5 New Work Safety Alert 最新五份「職安警示」‏
    Dear Members,
    The Society has received 5 new “Work Safety Alert” from Labour Department.  The details for the above subject is appended herebelow for your information please.
  • Seminar on "Advanced Passive Nuclear Power Technology Development in China"‏


    Dear Members,

    The Society has received the information of captioned seminar from CityU & Hong Kong Nuclear Society.  For details, please refer to the attached flyer.

    Interested members, please enroll with the organizer directly. 
