- 修訂《工作守則 - 密閉空間工作的安全與健康》的諮詢/Consultation – Revision of "Code of Practice – Safety and Health at
- Membership Subscription Fee 2024
- 【職安健資訊及活動】第二十二屆香港職業安全健康大奬分享會暨頒獎典禮現正接受報名
- 修訂《工作守則 - 密閉空間工作的安全與健康》的諮詢/Consultation – Revision of "Code of Practice – Safety and Health at
Latest News
Apr 2014
CPD program for RSO
Dear Members,
The Society has received the information of captioned subject from HKLee & Associates. For details, please refer to the attached flyer.
Interested persons, please complete the attached flyer and enroll with the organizer directly.
For enquiries, pls. contact Miss Caro Yeung at 28073228 / Mr. CS Chan at 98516016.
CIC Newsletter - Issue No. 17 /《 建 造 業 議 會 通 訊 》第 十七 期
Dear Members,
The Society has received the CIC Newsletter – Issue No. 17 from CIC. The details for the above subject is appended herebelow for your information please.
http://www.hkcic.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=12193&langType=1033 -
SRSO Seminar on Fri 25 April 2014
Dear Members,
Please be informed that the Society has organized the captioned seminar on 25 April 2014 & and the details are:
Safety Seminar: CIC Guidelines on Safety of Lift Shaft Works
Date & Time: 25 April 2014 (Friday) from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Venue: CIC Construction Industry Resources Centre, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon (Exit A of MTR Kowloon Bay Station).
Mr. YEUNG Chung-yuen is one of the members of the Task Force on Site Safety of Working in Lift Shaft under the Committee on Construction Site Safety of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) to prepare the Guidelines. In the seminar he shall brief us the essential safety and health requirements stipulated in the Guidelines which has been issued and enforced since November 2013. In addition, he shall also brief us the risk assessment and the associated safety precautions, the best practices and safety norms adopted in the lift industry for benchmarking.
Mr. Yeung is the President of the Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association of the term from 2014 to 2015. He has registered as Safety Officer and Safety Auditor since 1986 and 2000 respectively. He holds a Master Degree in Fire and Safety Engineering
In the recent years certain accidents occurred in lift shaft during construction period or at the moment of lift maintenance or repairing. As such a Task Force formed to thoroughly study and review the safety measures implemented for such construction activities and make recommendations to further enhance the safety performance of these works. Finally three Guidelines including Volume 1 During Construction Stage and Before Handing Over to Lift Installation Contractor, Volume 2 During Lift installation Stage until Issue Of Occupation Permit and Handing Over to Developer and Volume 3 Throughout Occupation Stage of Building sites were issued in July 2010, January 2012 and November 2013 respectively. The speaker will take this opportunity to share with the audience the essential safety and health requirements stipulated in Volume 3, the risk assessment and the best safety practices adopted in the lift industry for benchmarking.
Attendance Certificate:
The seminar is free of charge and Attendance Certificate will be issued to members of SRSO upon completion of the seminar. If any non-members wish to obtain an attendance certificate, an administration charge of HK$100.00 would be applied whilst HK50.00 for HKFOSHA members. No certificate will be issued to those who arrived after 7:30pm.
Please complete & email the reply slip as attached to srso@srso.org.hk to the Society. Registrations are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis & the deadline for enrolment is 23 April 2014. Successful application will be notified in due course.
Attached is the flyer of the seminar for your reference.
Should you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact Mr. Stephen SIU at 9167 3573.
Mar 2014
HKIOEH Annual Technical Conference 2014
Dear Members,
The Society has received the information of captioned Seminar from HKIOEH. The details for the above subject is appended herebelow for your information please.
Interested persons, please complete the attached flyer and enroll with the organizer directly.
[Free Admission 免費登記] Experience Sharing Day for Construction Professionals | 香港調解周建造業專業人士經驗分享日
Dear Members,
The Society has received the captioned seminar information from CIC for your information. Interested parties, please refer to the event flyer for registration details as follows and enroll with CIC directly:
HKARMS Technical Seminar on Managing Workplace Health and Safety
Dear Members,
The HKARMS will organize a seminar on “Managing Workplace Health and Safety - Systematic Approach vs Innovative Approach” on 17 April 2014. The details for the above subject is appended herebelow for your information please.
Technical Seminar on “Managing Workplace Health and Safety - Systematic Approach vs Innovative Approach”
Jointly organized by HKARMS, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management-CityU
Time, Date, Venue:
17 April 2014
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (6:30pm for registration)
Room LT401, 4/F, Amenities Building, (next to Swimming pool), City University of Hong Kong
Programme Highlights
On managing workplace health and safety in Hong Kong, a legally-required safety management system incorporates 14 elements. As its name implies, any system, including a safety management system which adopts the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, necessarily involves system elements and sequential flow, which demands the “Plan” element to precede the other three elements. Similar safety tools, such as the Fault Tree Analysis and Event Tree Analysis adopt the same vertical flow pattern. The Speaker will however focus his presentation on an alternative approach in managing workplace health and safety, using a flat or horizontal mode of safety ideas collection, commonly known in the management field as brainstorming, and propose a combination of the two methodologies.
Speaker Profile
Michael Leung, has been a health and safety practitioner for over 30 years, having worked for the Hong Kong Government and large public organizations. He is a Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner, Chartered Environmentalist, Chartered Builder (U.K.) and Certified Mechanical Engineer (P.R.C.)
Registration & Enquiries
The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese. This seminar is free of charge and prior registration before 13-Apr-2014 is required. Only on-line registration will be accepted via http://www.hkarms.org/Registration/EventRegister.php?Event=60
Participant number is limited to 200 on a first-come-first-served basis. For enquiries, please contact vsho.hkarms@gmail.com
moreWhat's News
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