- 修訂《工作守則 - 密閉空間工作的安全與健康》的諮詢/Consultation – Revision of "Code of Practice – Safety and Health at
- Membership Subscription Fee 2024
- 【職安健資訊及活動】第二十二屆香港職業安全健康大奬分享會暨頒獎典禮現正接受報名
- 修訂《工作守則 - 密閉空間工作的安全與健康》的諮詢/Consultation – Revision of "Code of Practice – Safety and Health at
Latest News
Apr 2019
CPD Seminar for Safety standard for anchors and hand tools to minimize risk on 30/4/2019
HKFOSHA Correspondence
Seminar Information for HKFOSHA Members:
Dear Presidents / Chairmen,
CPD Seminar for Safety standard for anchors and hand tools to minimize risk on 30/4/2019
The Secretariat has received the captioned seminar information from HKISA for your members’ information. Please disseminate the attached seminar leaflet to members of your organization for their attention.
Please enrol with the organizer via online registration as attached.
For enquiry, please contact HKISA via email hkisahk@yahoo.com.hk directly.
Thank you.
Stella Wong
Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)
Tel: 2332 9210
Email: secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKFOSHA
Dear Members,
We forward the seminar information from Federation for your reference.Regards,
Johnny Shing
Mar 2019
Members Gathering (燒烤家庭日2019) on 31March 2019
Dear Fellow Members,
The Society have organized a gathering as detailed below for you to eat ad chat with the new & old friends.
Date: 31 March 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. )
Venue: 天水圍綠田園BBQ燒烤樂園 (地址: 天水圍沙江圍側
Assembly Place: 九龍塘站D出口 (多福道), 雙程接送 (集合時間:上午10:30, 逾時不候)
Fee: $180 (Adult), $145 (Children, 3-11歲)
Please register by completing & returning the attached form together with the cheque / pay slip to PO Box, by fax (22580275) or email (srso@srso.org.hk).
Thank you for your support.
Johnny Shing
Jan 2019
Course/Conference/Seminar Information for HKFOSHA Members
Dear members,
We forward the following email for your information.
Johnny Shing
Tel: (852) 2963 1572
Fax: (852) 2258 0275
mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com
From: Federation (HKFOSHA) Secretariat [mailto:secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2018 3:02 PM
Subject: Course/Conference/Seminar Information for HKFOSHA MembersHKFOSHA Correspondence
Award Information for HKFOSHA Members:
Dear Presidents / Chairmen,
The Health, Safety and Environment Office of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is organizing a Safety Week 2018 from 13 November 2018 to 23 November 2018 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
If you / your members are interested in the following highlighted talks, details of the talks can be found in the attachment.
For enrollment, please send in the following participant information :
1. Full name in English,
2. email address, and
3. contact telephone
via email at admin@hkosha.org.hk before 13 November 2018.
- MoI: Cantonese (with terminology in English).
- Seating is limited on a first come, first served basis.
- E-certificate will be issued to participant by HSEO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University after the talks.
Name of Event
Date & Time
Design for Safety and Maintainability in New Buildings
Ms Jonnie Leung
Health & Safety Management Expert
19 Nov 2018 (MON)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Slope Upgrading & Slope Safety in Hong Kong
Ms Carie Lam
Geotechnical Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering Office,
Civil Engineering and Development Department, HKSAR
19 Nov 2018 (MON)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Enhancing Risk Management Through Safety Innovation
Mr Victor Kwong
General Manager – Corporate Health, Safety, Environment & Security, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas)
20 Nov 2018 (TUE)
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Thank you.
Stella Wong
Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)
Tel: 2332 9210
Email: secretariat@hkfosha.org.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKFOSHA
[邀請] 建造業開心跑暨嘉年華2019 - 1月20日@香港建造學院大埔訓練場 | [Invitation]Construction Industry Happy Run and Carnival 2
Dear members,
We forward the following email from CIC for your information.
Johnny Shing
Tel: (852) 2963 1572
Fax: (852) 2258 0275
mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com
-------- Original Message --------
[邀請] 建造業開心跑暨嘉年華2019 - 1月20日@香港建造學院大埔訓練場 | [Invitation]Construction Industry Happy Run and Carnival 2019 - 20 January @HKIC Tai Po Training Ground
2019-01-03 10:39
"Corporate Communications, CIC" <corpcomm@cic.hk>
建造業運動及義工計劃 (CISVP) 2019年的首項業界盛事 -- 建造業開心跑暨嘉年華2019將於1月20日(星期日) 於香港建造學院大埔訓練場舉行!
一如以往,賽事分爲 10公里賽及3公里開心跑,來自建造業的過千名參加者相信正在加緊練習準備賽事。除了男、女子個人組別獎項,以及團體賽的「建造業議會盃 - 全場總冠軍」及「人才濟濟獎」外,今年更新增專為建造業工友而設的「專業工友盃」,鼓勵工友積極參與運動,提升身心健康。歡迎大家到場為同事及業界友好打氣助威!
早上9:00 至 下午12:30
香港建造學院 - 大埔訓練場(新界大埔大華街13號)
早上7時至下午1時 (每10分鐘一班)
如有興趣預先索取遊戲劵或宣傳海報,請致電2100 9488與建造業運動及義工計劃統籌辦事處同事聯絡。到時見!
* * *
Construction Industry Happy Run and Carnival 2019
Construction Industry Sports & Volunteering Programme (CISVP) kicks off 2019 with an industry-wide event, Construction Industry Happy Run and Carnival 2019, to be held on Sunday, 20 January at HKIC Tai Po Training Ground!
The event entails a 10K race and a 3K run. Over 1,000 participants from the construction industry are now in full swing preparing for the race. Apart from men's and women's individual awards, and team awards CIC Cup Championship and Greatest Number of Participants, this year we have introduced the Professional Workers Cup to encourage participation by construction workers. All are welcome to attend to cheer for your fellow colleagues and the industry!
A carnival geared towards family participation will be held at the same time, offering performances and booth games, as well as free snacks and souvenirs. Details as follows:
Sunday, 20 January 2019
Carnival time:
9:00am to 12:30pm
HKIC Tai Po Training Ground (13 Dai Wah Street, Tai Po, NT)
Free shuttle service:
Between Tai Po Market Station (Exit A2) and HKIC Tai Po Training Ground
Free shuttle schedule:
7:00am to 1:00pm (every 10 minutes)
You are invited to attend with your family and friends to enjoy a day of fun.
Should you be interested in receiving event posters or tickets in advance, please contact CISVP staff at 2100 9488. See you there!
Construction Industry Sports & Volunteering Programme (CISVP)
Construction Industry Council
Corporate Communications , CIC
38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2100 9038
Fax: (852) 2100 9090
Visit our website at www.cic.hk
Protect our environment – think before you print out this email.
Dec 2018
安全訊息 - 懷疑工友於外牆工作時下墮意外 Safety Message - Fall from height 20181227
Dear members,
We forward the following email from CIC for your information.
Johnny Shing
Tel: (852) 2963 1572
Fax: (852) 2258 0275
mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com
From: CSA - Angela Yuen [mailto:angelayuen@cic.hk]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 5:57 PM
To: CSA - Angela Yuen <angelayuen@cic.hk>
Subject: FW: 安全訊息 - 懷疑工友於外牆工作時下墮意外 Safety Message - Fall from height 20181227致:Safety Buddies
就較早前懷疑工友於外牆工作時下墮意外,建造業議會就此向各位發放以下安全訊息。 煩請 閣下將以下安全訊息轉發給貴會會員/機構相關人員及其他業界持分者,謝謝。作為承建商/分判商/僱主:
1. 搭建及拆卸棚架及棚架上的工作程序必須妥善計劃,並考慮工人的安全;
2. 必須為竹棚架工作的工人提供安全的進出途徑;
3. 提供適當的防墮設備,如全身式安全帶、防墮扣、穩固點、獨立救生繩給工人使用,有關詳細要求,請參閱勞工處發出的《安全帶及其繫穩系統的分類與使用指引》。 此外應實施完善的監察制度,保證工人完全及妥善地使用安全設備;
4. 必須為工人提供充足的資料獨指示、訓練和監督以確保工作安全。
作為前線管工及工友:1. 於搭建,拆卸及於竹棚架工作時,工人必須配戴安全帶,並繫於穩固點、獨立救生繩上,不可隨意把防墮設備繫於窗框、窗鉸或任何不穩固的繫穩物上;
2. 工人應在合資格人員監督下進行搭建或拆卸竹棚架;
3. 工人必須已接受適當訓練和足夠經驗。
作為安全從業員:1. 為棚架工程進行風險評估及制訂安全施工程序;
2. 制定和實施有效的主動性視察計劃以確保安全措施得以嚴格遵從,並滙報不符合安全要求情況。
以上只列出安全重點,詳細內容請參閱 勞工處發出的《竹棚架工作安全守則》、《安全帶及其繫穩系統的分類與使用指引》、《「狗臂架」式棚架安全》、《使用「狗臂架」懸空式棚架的安全措施》,及由建造業議會發出的《竹棚架工作平台安排指引》。
油美苑裝修工人 墮平台不治https://hk.news.appledaily.com/breaking/realtime/article/20181227/59075038
本訊息不構成有關事宜或任何其他事宜的專業意見。此外,對採用或不採用本訊息所引致的任何後果,建造業議會 (包括議會成員及僱員)概不負責
Angela YUEN, Senior Manager - Construction Safety
38/F, COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2100 9031
Fax: (852) 2100 9090 -
Reminder of Systemic Safety Alert:Risk Control of Workplace Vehicles and Mobile Plant 系統性安全警示的提示:工地車
Dear Members,
The Society has received a New Released Systemic Safety Alert from Labour Department for your information.
Johnny Shing
Tel: (852) 2963 1572
Fax: (852) 2258 0275
mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com
-----Original Message-----
From: eld-el-2@labour.gov.hk [mailto:eld-el-2@labour.gov.hk]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 11:50 AM
To: eld-el-2@labour.gov.hk
Subject: Reminder of Systemic Safety Alert:Risk Control of Workplace Vehicles and Mobile Plant 系統性安全警示的提示:工地車輛和流動作業裝置的風險控制先生/女士:
(See attached file: 系統性安全警示 - 工地車輛和流動作業裝置的風險控制.pdf)
如閣下有任何查詢,請致電2852 4067 與本人聯絡。
(黄達富 代行)
Dear Sirs / Madams,
The Labour Department (“LD”) issued a Systemic Safety Alert of “Risk Control of Workplace Vehicles and Mobile Plant” in June 2016 in response to the fatal accident involving workplace vehicles and mobile plants. The purpose of the alert is to draw the attention of relevant parties to the
relevant systemic safety problems and accident prevention measures
necessary to protect people engaging in similar works activities. It also lists out those major systemic safety deficiencies commonly found, which
failure to conduct risk assessments and to formulate a safe
system of work involving the traffic or operation of
workplace vehicles or mobile plant; and
poor traffic management with inadequate control measures to
prevent persons from being struck by moving workplace
vehicles or mobile plant.
2. In view of recent recurrence of the similar fatal accidents, LD would
like to reiterate with this email to further emphasis to relevant parties about the importance of the systemic safety and relevant necessary accident prevention measures to prevent similar accidents from happening again.
Copy of the Alert in English and the relevant weblink are attached for
Risk Control of Workplace Vehicles and Mobile Plant (See attached file: Systemic Safety Alert - Risk Control of Workplace Vehicles and Mobile Plant.pdf)
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 2852 4067.
Yours sincerely,
WONG Tat-foo
for Commissioner for Labour
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- SRSO Webinar on "Occupational Safety of Drivers in Hong Kong" on 11 March 2021 (Thursday)
- (Presentation notes Uploaded) SRSO Annual Safety Seminar 2019 and 28th Anniversary Dinner