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May 2018
  • FW: SASA Safety Auditors Conference on 26 May 2018



    Dear members,


    We forward the following email from HKFOSHA regarding the conference being arranged by SASA for your reference.




    Johnny Shing


    Tel: (852) 2963 1572

    Fax: (852) 2258 0275

    mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com



    HKFOSHA Correspondence


    Dear Presidents / Chairmen,


    There are several seats available.


    Please disseminate the conference informaton to members of your organizations for their information. 


    Safety Auditors Conference

    Date and Time: 26th May 2018, Saturday (8:30 am -2:30 pm including Lunch)

    Venue:"The Salisbury" – YMCA of Hong Kong

                 Assembly Hall I, 4/F North Tower, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, H.K.

    Fee: HK$360 (Members of HKFOSHA)

    Please complete the application form as attached and deposit your payment to bank account of The Society of Accredited Safety Auditor’s account [HSBC, A/c No.: 511-864290-001]

    For enquires, please contact Miss Pinky Yuen at 5506 4151 or via email info@sasa.org.hk directly.


    The conference leaflet is attached for your informaiton. 


    Thank you.


    Stella Wong

    Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)

    Tel: 2332 9210


    The Member-Organizations of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)


    1.  The Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association (HKOSHA)


    2.  Society of Registered Safety Officers (SRSO)


    3.  The Hong Kong Registered Safety Auditors Association (HKRSAA)


    4.  The Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) 


    5.  Construction Industry Safety-Management Association  (CISA)


    6.  The Society of Accredited Safety Auditor (SASA)


    7.  IOSH Hong Kong (IOSH HK)


    8.  The Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners  (ISHP)


  • FW: ISHP: CPD activity (5 June) - Venue and Date have been changed



    Dear members,


    We forward the following email from HKFOSHA regarding the conference being arranged by ISHP for your reference.




    Johnny Shing


    Tel: (852) 2963 1572

    Fax: (852) 2258 0275

    mailto: johnny.shing@towngas.com




    HKFOSHA Correspondence


    Dear Presidents / Chairmen,


    Please note that the date and venue of the activity have been changed from 6 June to 5 June.  Please disseminated the seminar information to members of your organziation for their attention.



    ISHP CPD Talk : General Construction Safety with special emphasis on Temporary Works


    Date and Time : 5 June 2018 Wednesday (6:30 pm –9:30 pm)

    Venue CITAC Seminar Room A, Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre

    Speaker : Raymond Wong Wai-man,

                   Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong

                   Independent Researcher

    Fee: Member from Member-Organizations of the HKFOSHA : HK$300-- 

    Language medium : Cantonese with presentation material in English, supplement using English any time if needed.


    Seminar Highlights :

    There are a wide variety of temporary works in order to facilitate site operations in particular for large

    and complex construction projects. This seminar will highlight the major types of temporary works,

    the nature of such provision as well as what type of hazardous environment these works may create

    during the installation, in use and dismantling process.


    For enquiries, please contact  Ms. Yu at 91801788 directly.


    The leaflet and the reply form are attached for your informaiton. 


    Thank you.


    Stella Wong

    Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)

    Tel: 2332 9210


    The Member-Organizations of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)


    1.  The Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Association (HKOSHA)


    2.  Society of Registered Safety Officers (SRSO)


    3.  The Hong Kong Registered Safety Auditors Association (HKRSAA)


    4.  The Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) 


    5.  Construction Industry Safety-Management Association  (CISA)


    6.  The Society of Accredited Safety Auditor (SASA)


    7.  IOSH Hong Kong (IOSH HK)


    8.  The Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners  (ISHP)


  • SRSO Annual Safety Seminar 2018 and 27th Anniversary Dinner



    Dear members,


    Seats are still available. Please register.


    The 27th Annual General Meeting cum Dinner will be held after Annual Safety Seminar. If you are interested to join, please send us your reply slip as attached by 1 June 2018 for reservation.



    Dear member,


    The Society has organized the Annual Safety Seminar cum Annul Dinner on 8 June 2018 (Friday) at the Royal Plaza Hotel.   And the details are as follows:


    Date:  8 June 2018 (Friday)


    Time:  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm (tentative) – Afternoon Seminar

               6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Cocktail Reception

               7:15 pm  - 10:00 pm Dinner


    Venue: Grand Ballroom I-III, L6, Royal Plaza Hotel, Kowloon


      * Attendance certificate (4-hour CPD) will be issued to all participants upon completion of the seminar. 



    Registration and Payment

    For enrolment, please reserve your seats by complete the attached reply slip via email: srso@srso.org.hk or fax it back to the Society (Fax No.:2258 0275) by 18 May 2018.  Please pay the Society by crossed cheque made payable to "Society of Registered Safety Officers".


    Attached please find the programme, brochure and reply form for your reference. 


    For enquiry, please contact Mr. Freddy LEUNG at 9127 6984 or Mr Tiger WONG at 9488 2538.


    Look forward to seeing you on that day.



    Johnny Shing


Mar 2018
  • 建造業安全健康委員會 -3月29日「物料吊重機架設及操作安全」講座



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email regarding the above seminar from OSHC for your information.









    l   日期: 2018329(星期四)

    l   時間: 晚上7時至830 (晚上645分開始登記)

    l   地點: 觀塘基督教家庭服務中心1樓禮堂

    l   費用: 免費




    報名表格及詳情: http://www.oshc.org.hk//oshc_data/files/IBSHdata/Construct/Const_material_hoisting_enrol_form2-2018.pdf




    另外,誠邀 閣下撥允出席有關講座,請於326(星期一)或之前填妥附件之回條,並電郵或傳真回本局示覆。謝謝。


    如有查詢,請致電 2116 5694與本人聯絡。



    秘書 羅泇恩


  • 2018 HKIOEH Annual Technical Conference (14 April 2018)



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email regarding the above conference from HKIOEH for your information.

  • 2018 Safety Conference for Continuing Professional Development on 13/4/2018



    Dear member,


    We forward the following email regarding the above conference from HKISA for your information.



    HKISA 2018 Safety Conference for Continuing Professional Development

    Date: 13 April 2018 (Friday)

    Time: 0200 pm – 0600 pm, (Registration starts at 1:30pm)

    Venue: The YMCA of Hong Kong, 3/F South Tower,41 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.


    Content: Continuing Professional Development is an ongoing necessity in the ever changing technological world in which we live. The practising professional should aim to remain competent throughout their working careers so that they can properly carry out their various duties. To this end professionals need to take opportunities to update their depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise and to develop those personal qualities required to fulfill their roles in industry and in society. Every professional has to continuously upgrade his knowledge and skills to keep pace with changes and

    developments in his professional field. Safety officers, as registered professionals in the occupational safety and health field, are no exception.


    Organiser: Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA)

    Co-Organisers: The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers-Safety Specialist Committee (HKIE)


    Speakers: This conference aims at providing a platform for all participants to share their experience on review of lifting safety in construction industry, so as to cope with the challenges in achieving high safety standard.The subject of Review of LALG Safety in Hong Kong will be conducted by Mr. Wong Tat Foo, DOSO of Labour Department, HKSAR.


    Medium: Cantonese with English terminology


    Certificate Attendance Certificate with 3 CPD hours will be granted after the completion of seminar.



    $300 for HKISA, HKIE & HKFOSHA members

    $400 for non-members

    $800 (incl. annual dinner) for HKISA & HKIE members

    $1200 (incl. annual dinner) for non-members


    For direct bank-in, deposit should be made to Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association. (Hong Kong Bank Account: 062-0-049049). Payment slip

    quoting the participant’s name should be faxed to HKISA (3007 3207) for reference.